
Alpha GPC is sold for laboratory research use only. Terms of sale apply. Not for human consumption, nor medical, veterinary, or household uses. Please familiarize yourself with our Terms & Conditions prior to ordering.


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Alpha GPC Nootropic Powder





CAS Number 563-24-6
Other Names C8H19NO6P, L-alpha-Glycerylphospherylcholine, GPC, SCHEMBL272506, CHEMBL4750376
IUPAC Name 2,3-dihydroxypropyl 2-(trimethylazaniumyl)ethyl phosphate
Molecular Formula C₈H₂₁NO₆P⁺
Molecular Weight 258.23
Purity ≥99% Pure (LC-MS)
Liquid Availability  30mL liquid (150mg/mL, 4500mg bottle) (Alpha-GPC 99% ONLY)
Powder Availability 30 grams, 60 grams, 60 capsules (175mg/capsule, 10.5 grams bottle)
Gel Availability N/A
Storage Store in cool dry environment, away from direct sunlight.
Terms All products are for laboratory developmental research USE ONLY. Products are not for human consumption.


What is Alpha-GPC?

Alpha-GPC (Alpha-Glycerophosphocholine) is a choline-containing compound that has been shown to have cognitive-promoting properties and is considered a nootropic. It’s a naturally occurring compound found both in the brain and in food sources.

Here’s a more detailed look at Alpha-GPC:

  1. Role in the Brain: Alpha-GPC is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine plays a vital role in cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and learning. By supplying the brain with additional choline, Alpha-GPC can potentially help support the synthesis and release of acetylcholine.
  2. Therapeutic Use: In some countries, Alpha-GPC is prescribed to treat cognitive decline, like that seen in Alzheimer’s disease. The idea is that by providing the brain with more choline, it can help boost the levels of acetylcholine, which typically decline in neurodegenerative conditions.
  3. Nootropic and Athletic Use: Some individuals use Alpha-GPC as a dietary supplement for its potential cognitive-enhancing properties. Additionally, there’s interest in its possible benefits for enhancing power output in athletes, though more research is needed in this area.
  4. Dietary Sources: Alpha-GPC is found in red meat, organ tissues, and some other food sources, though in smaller amounts than what’s typically found in supplements.
  5. Safety and Dosage: While Alpha-GPC is generally considered safe, as with any supplement, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional regarding its use, especially concerning dosage and potential drug interactions.

Remember, while Alpha-GPC shows promise in various applications, it’s crucial to approach its use with an evidence-based perspective and to consult with a healthcare professional when considering supplementation.

Why is It Called Alpha-GPC?

Alpha-GPC stands for “Alpha-Glycerophosphocholine.” It’s a naturally occurring choline compound found in the brain and is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Breaking down the name:

  • “Alpha” refers to a specific chemical structure or arrangement in organic chemistry.
  • “Glycerophosphocholine” refers to the molecule’s composition. Glycerophosphocholine is a molecule that contains glycerol, phosphate, and choline.

Alpha-GPC has been studied for its potential cognitive-enhancing properties and is often taken as a nootropic supplement. The name essentially provides a description of the chemical structure and nature of the compound.

What Are The Mechanisms and Effects of Alpha-GPC?

Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (Alpha-GPC) is a choline compound that contains a phospholipid. The main benefits of the compound are improvement in cognition, primarily memory and attention, and the ability to help combat Alzheimer’s disease. The compound breaks down into choline and glycerol-1-phosphate. Choline is a precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a large role in both the central and peripheral nervous system. Glycerol-1-phosphate is shown to support and protect cellular membranes.

Researchers have theorized that Alpha-GPC works by increasing the synthesization and the expression of acetylcholine in the brain. This is what allows it to evoke such drastic effects on memory, learning, and attention. Acetylcholine is often closely related to Alzheimer’s as the most common treatment for the disease is acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that promote increased levels of acetylcholine in the brain (

Evidence has shown that Alpha-GPC also promotes the secretion of Growth Hormone (GH) due to higher circulating levels of choline. In addition to the increased levels of GH, acetylcholine is responsible for skeletal muscle contraction, which indicates involvement in the improvement of physical performance. Various studies have administered Alpha-GPC to animals and found that administration of the nootropic led to a drastic improvement in various physical performance tests. These studies also emphasized that even a short supplementation period led to increased muscle mass and improved performance.


Alpha-GPC as a Byproduct of Wheat Fermentation

As it was mentioned above, Alpha-GPC has shown promise in treating Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia due to the correlation between the compound and the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Since the 1990s animal-based studies have been conducted in order to determine how effective Alpha-GPC is against memory loss. The animals being tested were given either a placebo or active Alpha-GPC for 10 days. After the 10 days memory loss was induced through use of the drug, scopolamine. Overall the study concluded that administration of Alpha-GPC was capable of significantly reducing memory impairments and promoting general improvement to cognitive functions associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia (

Due to the potential Alpha-GPC has shown in treating Alzheimer’s and memory loss, researchers have begun to find a sustainable way of synthesizing the compound. Researchers Oyeneye et. Al examined how the fermentation of wheat could possibly produce sufficient levels of Alpha-GPC. Current methods of production include the hydrolysis of phosphocholine or the condensation of glycerol derivatives with the use of catalysts. The enzymatic method of phosphocholine hydrolysis is effective as it reduces the amount of excess chemical reagents being produced. Further purification of Alpha-GPC comes from the use of chromatography. While this sufficiently produces Alpha-GPC it is not a sustainable method of synthesization and incredibly costly to the laboratories and researchers looking to further their experiments.

The researchers found that AC Andrew was the type of wheat cultivar best suited to produce large amounts of Alpha-GPC due to its high starch content. Typically when fermentation occurs ethanol is produced until it reaches its peak at approximately 72 hours, however this study highlighted the fact that after ethanol production had stopped, Alpha-GPC continued to form without altering the fermentation process at all. That being said, when the goal of fermentation is specifically to produce Alpha-GPC, there are no excess levels of ethanol produced. These findings support the goal of synthesizing Alpha-GPC in an energy-efficient and low expense manner (


GPC Promotion of Longevity and Health in Roundworms

In addition to its benefits on cognition, researchers Liu et. Al examined how GPC could combat symptoms of aging in Caenorhabditis elegans, more commonly known as the roundworm. Since GPC levels tend to decrease while aging, the roundworms were given an initial dosage of 10 mM of GPC to see how the compound would affect whole lifespan, mean lifespan, and maximum lifespan. The dosage capped at 50 mM and led to a drastic increase in whole, mean, and maximum lifespan.

Furthermore, it was noted that motor ability declines from aging so the researchers measured the roundworms’ activity levels by examining body bending rate and pharyngeal pumping rate at different points throughout their lifespan. Following a 50 mM dose of GPC there was a drastic improvement in both of these rates. Specifically, GPC increased the rate of body bending in the mid-late life stage and increased the rate of pharyngeal pumping in the early-mid life stage. These results suggest that treatment with GPC helps to alleviate the symptoms of age-induced decline (

The nootropics sold by Umbrella Labs are sold for laboratory research only. The description above is not medical advice and is for informative purposes only.

Alpha GPC is sold for laboratory research use only. Terms of sale apply. Not for human consumption, nor medical, veterinary, or household uses. Please familiarize yourself with our Terms & Conditions prior to ordering.


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